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S.H. Figuarts: 2B / Nier Automata ver 1.1a

Writer: OnyxOnyx

A S.H. Figuarts?! I finally nabbed one after so many years. Yes. Here I am with a figurine from Bandai Namco and it's none other than 2B (2E) from Nier Automata! Excited for this one because it's the first import with swappable parts--and also dreading it at the same time because there are swapping around. With all that said though, let's get into the review, shall we?

The familiar style of box, of course, is welcome! I always appreciate the window set up to let us see the figurine inside and the back and side are full of promotional pictures. I do miss collecting these figurines at times.

Let's talk accessories! Five faces, three pairs of hands, and one lone hand for a particular pose. She's got her katana, the Virtuous Contract, and of course, Pod 042. I didn't showcase it here but she does have the standard S.H. Figuarts figurine stand as well as part of her accessories.

Getting 2B to pose vanilla is a lot harder than it looks. She's also standing without her stand and that is not an easy task to do considering the way her boots have these tall heels. Regardless, here is 2B vanilla posed! As far as the details on the sculpting, there's a lot to appreciate. That classic outfit 2B has is as present as ever with that one-piece short dress, the thigh-highs, the gloves with feathered tips, the flare-out shoulders, and all the details that come with that recognizable outfit. Now the overall design of this 2B is based on the anime which has its distinct differences from the game. Mostly in the style not anything drastic in terms of character design. S.H. Figuarts did get the overall presentation of 2B in her Ver 1.1a so that's a plus.

And what is 2B without that slit on her dress? The material of this plastic is pliable so that's a good thing. There are no bendy wires or anything inside the skirt so one can't replicate dynamic movements with her skirt.

Not much to say about the coloring other than they did a good job. One thing I expect from 2B merchandise is the execution of making black look varied. From the boots to the dress, it all should look different based on the material of the clothing. The matted black for the cloth and the shiny paint on her boots--perfect. The white is also a good contrast, the skin color is pale white but obviously different from her gloves and lower body suit. I truly appreciate what is done.

Admittedly, she's pretty 'joint-y'. The articulation's fault.

I do like the sculpted work on her YoRHa designs on the hem of her skirt. I love the way the skirt flounces and sculpted in a way that it shows movement. The thigh high boots along with the even higher thigh stockings are always well known as part of 2B's design--here in S.H. Figuarts form, they're also impresive.

Love the stitching detail!

I love the colors for 2B's hair. It's a nice dull contrast against her pale skin. Her lips are also well done, probably the most colorful part of 2B. The mole on her chin is visible. It's definitely a well-done paint job.

The alternate faces are nothing short of impressive. Most of my 2B figures all have her visor (except THIS ONE) so it's a nice change to see her eyes. They're also pretty expressive so it makes for some good display options. One neutral with visor, which is a standard 2B look. An angry/yelling 2B with and without visor, both are fantastic for some intense action shots. A smiling no visor is a good addition to give some neutral and vulnerable look. And then the closed eyes, which adds a sense of serene or morbid displaying options. I honeslty appreciate all of these swappable faces. Really adds value to displaying her.

Of course she has her POD and her katana. Not going to lie, would want more weapons but then again, I've already had a lot of fun with the options given with this figure.

As far as her articulation goes, it's been some time since I've messed around with an articulated import like this one. Needless to say, all the things that comes with a poseable figurine still has its ups and downs. For one, because she has to be poseable, 2b has some awkward proportions and some gaps between the joints that makes her look odd at times. As I mentioned above, it's hard to get her in a vanilla pose at times, which is a pain. Also, 2B needs her stand to get her into dynamic poses. Something that I knew right off the get-go but good to point out.

But passed all that, 2B's articulation definitely is a strength. She can be put in various poses that pays homage to her video game counter part. While the joints do have some gaps and some contorted result for 2B, they do serve their purpose for allowing her to be able to move. The swappable faces really adds to every pose and one can really get some iconic moments.


S.H. Figuarts: 2B next to BringsArts: 2B. Obviously they both have strengths and weaknesses; and for me, BringArts 2B is five years old and the weaknesses show. While Figuarts 2B is more with the anime version of the Android, BringArts 2B is more in line with the 2017 video game. Both awesome 2B merch but if I was to pick one for both quality and price, I'd go with Figuarts.

Recommend? I'd say yes. A must-have? For me, articulated figures are becoming less and less my cup of tea. With the expected odd proportions due to the joints and the stressful (at times) options for display, there are some downers for collecting these figurines--well, at least for me. But sleek coloring, good sculpting, amazing display options, and the accuracy to the source material, S.H. Figuarts 2B is not at all a loss. I do feel that she is a fantastic addition to my collection. Heck, might be time for a 2B shelf soon, eh?

Until Next Time!


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A Collector of action figures. A Gamer of various genres. Commissioner of awesome and fetish based fanart from different artists. I'm just another perverted geek expressing his opinions and views.

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