Yes, this is a #Marvel_Legends review. Yes, that is surprising. But I did mention that I had planned on getting this guy this year. So here we are. So without any delays, let's take a look at one of Venom's many offpsrings!

#Hasbro does a good job ensuring that Avengers, X-Men, Spider-Man, and Venom all have different and recognizable boxes for each respective wave. The artwork for the side of the box still looks amazing so I'm glad about that. There are days when I see a Marvel Legends that I pass up and leaving it behind as I exit the store does give me a bit of dejection. I still adore this series, but I just have to be very careful with my spoils these days. Phage is an exception for a few reasons.

The entire wave is actually a decent set. Not going to get all of them, obviously, but if I was to get one, Morbius might just be the next one.

And, of course, some things never change. Not a whole lot of accessories with Phage but those #BAF legs are rather big and detailed. It's tempting, I know.

Now Phage does do a good job ensuring that Avengers, X-Men, Spider-Man, and Venom all have different and recognizable boxes for each respective wave. The artwork for the side of the box still looks amazing so I'm glad about that. There are days when I see a Marvel Legends that I pass up and leaving it behind as I exit the store does give me a bit of dejection. I still adore this series, but I just have to be very careful with my spoils these days. Phage is an exception for a few reasons. I'm a big fan of Symbiotes and a Carnage clone isn't something I'm going to fret about--well, not a technical clone, he is another product of the Life Foundation and their attempt to make soldiers out of Eddie's Symbiote. Carl Mach was the human host and for lack of a better word, he got lost in the gargantuan Universe of Marvel 616. But he's not completely lost in translation because here he is with an action figure.

Even after being absent from Marvel Legends, it's easy to see that they are still using the Bucky-Cap mold for their figures. Phage is another example of that process and with a few modifications, repaint, and a new head sculpt, one has a brand new character. Nothing to gripe about but nothing new to awe. I think it's fine for a mass product of a very obscure character.

Even after being absent from Marvel Legends, it's easy to see that they are still using the Bucky-Cap mold for their figures. Phage is another example of that process and with a few modifications, repaint, and a new head sculpt, one has a brand new character. Nothing to gripe about but nothing new to awe.

What really sells Phage is that alternate arm and that head sculpt. Really something that makes him stand out. Hasbro, can you please get us the other Symbiotes?!

Articulation is pretty standard. Nothing really new to talk about here. That alternate arm doesn't hinder anything and he can do whatever previous Bucky-Cap mold figures can do.

All in all, I'm pretty happy with this guy. Not going to win any best action figures awards or anything, but again, I'm a sucker for Symbiotes. Might have to give him more fancy accessories from other lines or other figures to give him more pop, but all in all, happy with the guy! Separation Anxiety series time!
Until Next Time!