Is another Marvel Legends catching my attention? Yes. Yes, it's that kind of year. That's twice this year! And who can blame me? It's Hulkbuster Iron Man! This time given the remake love and all the bells and whistles that come from a 2024 Marvel Legends.

He's looking good. The prototype figure does have a punch, doesn't it? Can't comment too much since it's just a few snapshots but it's easy to see his size.

Not sure how big this Skaar is but most Hulk Marvel Legends figures come with some bulkiness and height. I'm pretty sure Skaar towers some of the regular 6-inch figures and Hulkbuster is probably 25% taller and much bulkier.

Another comparison with an Iron Man Marvel Legends in the works. Planning on getting that one too, I believe.
I got it preordered from BBTS and I'm pretty excited for this one. Will definitely keep y'all posted once I get it and am ready to review it! Closer to the last 3 months of the year, it seems. So here's to the clock ticking!
Until Next Time!