Hello folks! We got ourselves another Terra Branford HIGH QUALITY figurine. For those who don't know, I'm a sucker for torturing myself since I know I will never ever own one of these. But, hey, at least we are getting Terra Branford merch, right? RIGHT? Anyways, let's just take a look at her from a few distance away.
Master Line (Square Enix): Terra Branford

She looks really good, don't she? Thanks to this blog post, I found myself stumbling into another beautiful statue of the best Esper Vixen. Though to go through a payment plan, one has to go to joy Station / Mirai Collections. It's not as egregious as the Master Line, but I don't have the extra funds for this figurine for sure.
Once again, the sad truth is that this statue will never make it to my collection. If I ever get this gal in my collection.... I'm one very lucky person.
Until Next Time!