Going to the next #MMPR Ranger, Trini Kwan, the Yellow Ranger. An important Ranger for heartwarming and tragic reasons. Well, back to #POP. Let's go ahead with the review, shall we?
Again, no secret! I am collecting all of these to complete the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Team! Got the Yellow Ranger next! So not much to say, let's move on!
Again, really the first time I've seen this gimmick with the helmets as a design for the box's tongue. I adore it.
The funny thing about the original Sentai version of the Yellow Ranger is that he was male. But, of course, as we all know, Trini takes on the Yellow Ranger mantle and the fun fact of her original male counterpart over at Japan did not become common knowledge until the rise of the internet. Regardless, in her POP form, she looks good. The pose definitely showcases her fighting style and that helmet! Love those Saber tooth designs. Simple outfit so not a lot to complain about.
The details with her sheathed dagger/blaster are also a neat addition. Glad Funko kept the details with that.
The color is also quite nice. The yellow has this matted look for the body but the helmet has a gloss wash, making it accurate to how the outfits looked back in the show. The white paint has some defects here and there, and back on the helmet, the black paint on the visor bleeds here and there. All in all, there's no complaint. The silver for the fangs looks great, the daggers and their small details look good, and the overall execution isn't bad. I think it still turned out great.
Here is POP Yellow Ranger next to POP Green Ranger. The 30th Anniversary MMPR is looking great, isn't it? And these two... very sad, for sure in terms of their real-life counterpart--the actress and the actor.
While the Yellow Ranger doesn't get the love that she usually gets, she is a pretty pivotal aspect of the team--the original Yellow Ranger is, of course, classic and original. The tragedy that befell the actress is sad so if anything else, this POP is a good way to pay homage to her. The POP has some good qualities, of course. Awesome pose, and accurate details, and the coloring isn't great, but not bad at all. Worth getting just on its own merits, for sure. And since I am for completing this set, she is a must. I can definitely recommend her for sure.
Until Next Time!