Spider-Man joined the Fantastic Four? From my knowledge, Spidey joined them on three occasions... not including multiverse versions (though with how a Multiverse can branch out, I'm sure one of these events led to Peter becoming a permanent member). But we're not here to talk about that! We are here to talk about Spidey's F4 POP from Target! Let's get to it!

Another Spidey exclusive POP. I swear, they should've just called the entire Spider-Man series "Beyond Amazing".

Alright! So Fantastic Four Spidey is swinging your way! He's not solo either! Right behind him (or beside him) is a slew of possible Marvel Superhero flying-riding-running-teleporting right beside him! The web-swinging pose is always welcome! I love the variation they gave Parker with this suit; it makes it stand out a bit more. I also love the simple sculpted work put on his suit, which, this suit is pretty simple on its own but sometimes a little attention to detail makes a POP stand out a bit. I love the little grooves and knots on the web line. I'm also a huge fan of Funko sculpting Spidey's eyes on his mask. Gives it better depth rather than just painting it on.

The colors sell this suit. The tone for the blue is cold and dark, but it's vibrant enough to stand out beside the black. The paint job is mostly executed well so he looks good both sculpt work and the paint job. No complaints here.

That's a lot of blues! They all look good and they're all their own shade of blue. Spidey BLUE looks really good with that red contrast, Fear Itself... weird blue but he's got some strong points, and F4 Spidey... yeah I love that shade of blue!

I don't think this one will be on everyone's top list. Honestly, with the Fantastic Four coming around the corner, this one might get a boost, but it's pretty obscure suit for Spidey. Future Foundation and Baghead Spidey gets more love than this one. Still, nicely colored, awesome pose, and it's a Spidey. I love it! Target excusive so when you see him and if you want him, get him!
Until Next Time!