Can't have a POP gathering without Mickey Mouse, right? Decked out in his Fantasia outfit, here we have Walt's favorite mouse gracing my blog with one of his most iconic outfits to date! Let's get on to the review, shall we?

The official name is "Sorcerer Mickey", but I've always called it 'Fantasia Mickey' more often than not. Also, I do need to rewatch Fantasia again. I remember that to be an astonishing show of animation when Disney was a decade or two away from their 3D renaissance. I will say that it's iconic for Mickey Mouse donning the blue hat and the demonic presence of Chernabog at the very end.

The House of Mouse has a ton of POPs at this point but seriously, this one is a must for many reasons too obvious to point out.

The classic Mickey look given a red tunic and the magical blue hat is an iconic look. There isn't a whole lot going on in terms of looks and that's not at all a bad thing. It's an easy translation to POP form and Funko gave Sorcerer Mickey as much of that detail as one can provide. I like the pose, though I would've paid a little extra to see some magical effects coming out of his hand. Though I'm sure there is a variation or a movie moment with Sorcerer Mickey out there that would provide what I am asking for, right (SEE BELOW)? But, again, if there is any extra and fancy plastic added, the price point would jump up so it might be good we have a common version with simplicity in mind.
I looked it up, mind you.

The color is pretty spot on and the decals on the hat are also done quite nicely. I don't see any major imperfections on the paint job with my copy so I'd say, all in all, the paint department did a good job.

Ah, Chernabog. Perhaps the secret omnivillain of the Disneyverse? Also, this scaling is way off. Chernabog towers Mickey, of course.

And here are some of the other Mickey I own. I swear, the Mickey POP lineup is getting bigger by the year. Disney isn't going to stop pumping out Mickey Mouse POP for sure.

Needed? No. Recommended? Yes. As a fan of Disney and the iconic mouse, I'd say this is a must. I might end up going for that movie moment later but just having this one, I think Sorcerer Mickey is covered if we are talking about my collection. Simple, sharp color, more than adequate posture, and no major imperfections makes this one an easy purchase for sure.
Until Next Time!