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Funko POP: Son Gohan (BEAST) - Funko Exclusive

Writer: OnyxOnyx

Updated: Feb 27

Oh, yeah! Beast Gohan! Fun fact: Gohan is one of my favorite characters from Dragon Ball. Such a shame his character was assassinated for a bit. The Beast Gohan power-up may be a good redemption but let's just see. One thing is certain though! I wanted a POP of him so here it is! Let's get into the review! Pretty excited!

This is a good gift. I can't thank my coworker enough for this! This version is also the exclusive! Pretty awesome! As far as this set, Gohan and Piccolo get two versions, and the variants are not shown here. I want both Gohans and the other Piccolo.

Not a bobblehead
Not a bobblehead

I love the wrinkles on Gohan's clothing and the muscles!
I love the wrinkles on Gohan's clothing and the muscles!

The pose is a fantastic choice for Gohan Beast form. He's in a very action-pose, throwing a very colorful and devastating Makankosappo (AKA Special Beam Cannon)--on a side note, I'm still not 100% behind with Gohan having the beam. It's a Picollo signature move but I suppose if anyone is going to have it as a signature, it would be Gohan (though he already has Kamehameha and Masenko so...). As far as the POP goes with the beam, it's pretty accurate. The energy effect coming from his fingers is also well done. They're not hard or brittle, they're a bit on the soft side and I'm not against it since they adjust to help as a pseudo-stand for the top-heavy POP. Speaking of the top, Gohan has his Beast form hairdo which is just SSJ2 Gohan but with longer spikes. The accuracy is all there and I can't complain.

Love his hair details! Love those red eyes too!
Love his hair details! Love those red eyes too!

A very sharp execution of the coloring, the choice of plastic, and the color complement the sculpt details, especially more obvious on his hair. The energy beams are vibrant and a good juxtaposition to the rest of Gohan's dark-tone outfit. I love the white hair and red eyes combo; it translates well into a POP!

I wish they come out with a no-nonsense classic Piccolo doing his Special-Beam-Cannon. Shame the only one I have is his first attempt on throwing his signature move.

Ah, yes. The power level is so drastically apart! Though, I do like both looks.

The fact that this was a gift, it's exclusive, and it looks good, that's a plus. I also love Gohan and am glad he's getting a boost again cause seeing his downfall is rather sad. Now we have his Beast form and we get new POPs of him! This one is pretty good with the special effects, the pose, and the usual details that come with POPs. He's hard to find with him selling out of but if you can find him and you're a big Gohan fan, this is something I can highly recommend.


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A Collector of action figures. A Gamer of various genres. Commissioner of awesome and fetish based fanart from different artists. I'm just another perverted geek expressing his opinions and views.

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