What is this? That's right! YRP is getting a cameo appearance for War of the Visions! This is great to see! It's 2024 and we're seeing Rikku in brand new official artwork, and a new game featuring her, and it's just an overall blast!
It's a shame that I don't play the game, but if anything gets me thinking about playing the mobile game, it's this. Doubtful, but it's been a bit since I dabbled into mobile gaming but... YRP?!
I believe the artwork is still Akihiko Yoshida, the same legend that was responsible for the OG Final Fantasy Tactics artwork. I love it.
And, yes! Official FFX-2 renders are getting more love from the game through (what seems like) official in-game cards. I don't know what they are used for.
Anything that features ma' gurl, I'm always down!
And, yes, Leblanc will be in the game. Along with the Chocobo-Eater.
Even if I don't play it, I am thrilled with putting FFX-2/Rikku back into the main light, even if it's just
No, seriously. What is this? Well, this one isn't necessarily Terra Branford but it is related!
Yes, it's FFVII Ever Crisis--another mobile game revolving around the Final Fantasy VII project. I know, mobile games are eating healthy these days with cameos and collaborations, eh?
While Terra still pulls it off better, I'd say Aerith doesn't look too bad while wearing Aerith's Magitek Knight dress. Also, I love how Terra's sword is reworked as a staff to fit Aerith's style!
Yes, Cloud is Locke. I know, it would make more sense to put Aerith as Celes but, Aerith and Terra have more in common.
Renderers are already joining the fray to give us some awesome "Aerith Branford" artwork! I'm impressed!
And then, of course, the fan arts are coming! Yes, Sephiroth is in this game and he is Edgar Figaro. Weird, I know. Even stranger when we consider that Tifa is Sabin Figaro.
Cloud Strife as Locke Cole--which, I get it, Locke was very protective of Terra but that's because of his past. Like I said, Aerith as Celes would've made sense in the love-relationship aspect but Terra is half Esper while Aerith is half Cetra... which one makes more sense narratively, eh?
Very romantic, eh?
The AerithxTifa movement is strong, and it's quite fetching with these outfits.
I don't think Aerith will be riding a Magitek Armor, but I like this fanart!
Well, that's about it for now. I know there are a dozen other fan arts out there for the FFVII_ECxFFVI. I'd like to share all of them but this post is going to be longer than it needs to be. Do check out the artists and support these collaborations! I know I may not be there chipping in my part gaming wise, but hey, this is my way to show love for the other half of my Victorious Vixens!
Until Next Time!