Homecoming for A'rlen Sirushi? Yes, the Cutest WoL once had her home base in New Gridania. I remember some time ago that A'rlen walked into chaos of Eorzea--that fateful day she ended up in New Gridania. Her first interaction with Miounne...
And yeah, the rest is history.
Well, with a free four-day event for FFXIV gamers who weren't subscribed, it was a good time to return. Not to mention a Moogle Treasure Trove event and a seasonal sidequest, I got my four-days worth. Got a few mounts so I'm pretty happy!
This beautiful bird Mount was from a previous event involving me finding as many Mountain Dews in the wild as possible and getting points. Yes, I got help. Yes, I drank Mountain Dew a little too much for a bit. But A'rlen's happy she got a new mount!
The Hunt for Goetia Event was nice because it came with some Mounts I don't have. Part of the good things about these Treasure Troves is that we can earn a mount that might not be possible to get organically.
Alte Roite was a boss from FFV. It became an FFXIV boss for Stormblood side content and has been wanting it as a mount for some time. Glad they allowed it to be a Mount we could earn from the Moogle Treasure Trove Event. And, yes, I still have the "Crimson Dragoon" as a main glamour for A'rlen.
This is an odd Mount, for sure. Not part of this season's Treasure Trove event, instead it's a prize one can get from going through the Hildibrand Relic story. Also, it's Pupu's UFO ship so kudos to for a FFVIII easter egg.

The All Saints' Wake is another short event that will put the WoL to assist with a minor issue. While these things aren't meant to shatter ceilings with their sidequests, the rewards usually pull people in. And most of the time, a glam is involved so that's why I jumped in. I got a new outfit for my "Angel of Death" / Reaper job... but didn't get the chance to do a photo shoot so that'll be showcased for another day. Trust me, I'm going to showcase that with its post one day!
I appreciate the FFXIV developers' commitment to the Holidays. This is my first time showcasing Limsa's Halloween decorations, but they are festive! I love it!

It's been a few months since my last visit to Eorzea. I'll resubscribe and play Dawntrail some day--that much I know for certain. I know I have to grind for the relics when they eventually get released so... there's that.
With all that said though, HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Be festive, be safe, and most of all, Have fun!
Until Next Time!