Yes, MileShendon is definitely responsible for this wonderful picture. And this #Commission is not only something I helped create but TheLingeringShadow also had a hand. I'm sure Rikku and Lightning doesn't appreciate the collaboration one bit especially when they're forced to wear the other's outfit. Doesn't Rikku look adorable in Claire's outfit? And Yes, Lightning wears Rikku's Thief Dressphere just fine. And yes, there are two variants!

Completely trussed up in a night club for everyone's enjoyment, embarrassed and absolutely helpless as everyone's eyes are on them--it's going to be a long night--LONG week. Every effort to get loose just causes some unwanted friction between their legs. Though I'm sure Rikku feels just fine wearing Lightning's outfit, Lightning on the other hand, I'm sure, has a bit more apprehension being seen in the Thief Dressphere. Though aside from YRP, Lightning (especially in FFXIII-3) is the only other FF gal that has gone through a plethora of outfits in one game (correct me if I'm wrong). Though she wore Yuna's FFX and FFX-2, not Rikku's. Hope you all enjoy!
Give thanks to Miles and Shadow for such a wonderful collaboration!
Until Next Time!