This one's for my good friend up there, Lathiira.
Here's to hoping you and I talk about Arlen's shenanigans, and the redoes of the Spider-Woman 6 cover. BUT--we haven't talked about Spider-Woman #8, eh?
Well, here we are with a homage. But, of course, here we are with another addition to Arlen's Crusade! The victim is none other than Rogue, one of Lathiira's main. The costume may not be the well-known Jim Lee design but HEY, Rogue is Rogue and multiverse is plenty! Besides, I've got plans!

The artist is none other than TheBoundArtist90 himself. That deviant is a familiar face on this side of the fence. He continues to lend his time and talent to have amazing pictures like this. You're a kind one, BA. Thank you for this.
Well, Lat, I Miss you, friend. Here's a little something for you to give you entertainment. And don't worry--The Multiverse is plenty.
See You Next Time.