Why, so serious, right? This is the first time in Season Two that Arlen nabbed a hottie from the animated side of things; and wouldn't you know? It's Barbara Gordon/Batgirl from the legendary Batman the Animated Series! And, yes, Arlen is paying homage to the wonderful canceled comic book cover of Batgirl. Oh, yes. Back in the day when protesting from the left about DiD in the comic book world had that much weight. Of course, we're never going to get these kinds of covers because people suck. Luckily, Arlen Sirushi got y'all! She'll make sure that ropes, the gags, and the distress continues! I'm sure Batgirl doesn't mind. She was cute enough to give us a moment during the animated series.

Mdavidct is a brand new artist joining in to my ever-so-growing gallery of commissions. He has a distinct art style and a very good price point that makes me believe he'll appear a few more times here. I'm sure none of you mind.
Until Next Time!