#Bishoujo! MLP Bishoujo! This time, it's the ever-so-shy... Fluttershy! Yes, I'm definitely going to be adamant about finishing this set! So let's get right into the review of my latest MLP gal in Bishoujo form, shall we?
Again, I adore what Kotobukiya did here with the box. It adheres to the color scheme and theme of Fluttershy, which, to be honest, the odd colors of yellow, pink, and teal, looks bright as all heck but fits rather well. Cutie Mark designs are also present, as it was the previous two so the theme continues. The art style, is, of course, nothing short of amazing courtesy of Shunya Yamashita. I swear the art never fails to impress me!
I also highly appreciate that the prototype and the final product isn't too different from each other. It shows just how much craft and care are placed on each statue!
Now let's talk about the Pony version herself! I've always thought Fluttershy is adorable--even if she is slightly annoying at times with how much of a pushover she is. Still, I like her hairstyle and her color scheme fits her bright and jolly self--when she's not being shy, of course.
I also adore the fact that she is in tune with animals, thus why her cutie mark are butterflies--represents her affinity for all creatures, great or small. She's also got a hairstyle that both accentuates her shyness and makes her stand out as a pony all on her own. One thing I am glad that Bishoujo did was have Fluttershy expand her wings--she usually has them folded in during the show. As a Pegasus, she doesn't seem to fly as much as Rainbowdash or even Twilight who is an Alicorn.
No surprise with the base--it's just Fluttershy's cutie mark and main color scheme. Again, I like it. VERY pink though and VERY feminine! Not going to complain, however.
Again, Kotobukiya takes great care in making sure that Fluttershy in her "Bishoujo-ed" human form is still recognizable. Fluttershy retains most of her pony characteristics as a human girl--I say most because Kotobukiya took some liberty with more than a few things. I've said it before with this series and I'll probably say it with the other three: this is not a 'copy-and-paste' of the Equestria Girls and good for it.
Some of the earlier promotional art showed Fluttershy (and the other ponies) having their skin color match their original pony versions; akin to how the Equestria Girls all had the not so norm colors. Bishoujo did not go that route and honestly, I like this direction. While there are many things that really make this statue as a recognizable Fluttershy interpretation, I just want to kindly point out the ever-so fitting pose and the fantastic way it is sculpted. As her name implies, Fluttershy is... well, shy so Kotobukiya made sure that her Bishoujo version has that exuding out of her. Hands clasped with a very introvert-like pose, Fluttershy's expression also conveys an apprehension to extend herself to even say hello. All the while, we are treated with the gorgeous way Koto sculpts their hair and it's all just a fine homage to Fluttershy's pony version.
And speaking of clothing, that is always part of the Bishoujo line's strength. Choosing a one-piece dress for Shy with frills and all the feminine flares, Koto did not skimp out on the details needed. There are wrinkles, ruffles, and the way it sits on Fluttershy's body is very organic. I adore it so much. There's also a nice touch with Fluttershy's laced shoes--complete with ribbons and all.
Hair is also Bishoujo's strongest suit. Now they kind of steered away from their former signature 'transparent tip' but their sculpting never dropped in quality. They did a fine job making it look like Fluttershy's hair but adding some more human-like style.
The paint job clearly puts it all together. The choice of color combos to mix in with Fluttershy's traditional pony color scheme is just executed with finesse. Very nice warm and inviting colors--something that really sets her character. And, of course, I see no mistakes or defection with the paint job. It's just well done that enhances the amazing sculpt job.
The shading is always top-notch too. What else is there to say about how awesome this statue is? Fluttershy is not my top Pony out of Mane Six but I do think this statue is just awesome.
Here's Bishoujo Fluttershy statue with more lighting.
Fluttershy may have a simpler and less dynamic pose than the previous installments, bu hits it off with the beat of its own drums and, seriously, Fluttershy is just darn adorable and definitely worth being part of my Bishoujo line up! My Little Pony may not be for everyone but a good looking statue should entice a bit more for collectors. Seriously, I'm terribly excited about the others. I got this feeling that the last three are not going to disappoint at all! l!
And, uh... check out those details on the skirt hem! Lots of attention to detail, eh? Something I can't really complain about.
So here's Bishoujo Fluttershy next to Bishoujo Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie! Wow, this is a colorful bunch! Can't imagine just how vibrant the Mane Six are going to look together when they are all together!
Much like the other two, I have to say that I highly recommend her. This series really hits it off with the beat of its own drums and, seriously, Fluttershy is just darn adorable and definitely worth being part of my Bishoujo line up! My Little Pony may not be for everyone but a good looking statue should entice a bit more for collectors. Seriously, I'm terribly excited for the others. I got this feeling that the last three are not going to disappoint at all!
Until Next Time!