My first new Bishoujo statue for 2018 (Lady Gwenpool does not count for the simple fact that she's some previous year's release that I caught this year)! And just from one picture here, I have to say: what a catch! Sure, it's not the classic Chun Li outfit, but man, if she came out wearing this costume first, I'm sure a lot of us Street Fighter fans would not have minded. At any rate, let's check out Bishoujo -Battle Dress- Chun Li!

I honestly feel like Street Fighter Bishoujos come in black boxes. Regardless, it's still the same type of box.

Just love the artwork and how well it translated to figure form! Kotobukiya never fails to impress with this sexy line!

As for the base stand, one is allowed two options: the artwork inspiration or just the simple 'Street Fighter' logo. I chose the first since I thought it had more of an impact. I wonder if this is a Bishoujo Street Fighter thing since my Bishoujo Juri Han also has this option. Regardless, it's a cool little icing that adds a little more fan service.

And speaking of fan service, there is PLENTY here! With how gorgeous this statue is, one can't help but admire the fan service. Just plain sexy! But the posture still serves to pay homage to the character's fighting style and 'personality'. She's a kung fu fighter and primarily an all kick kind of street fighter so this pose definitely signifies her fighting style. The clothing, albeit a bit more revealing, is also within her Chinese heritage. But seriously, Chun Li never looked so beautiful!

The pose is great, sexy, powerful, and accurate to the character. But the way her clothing and hair are dynamically sculpted to match her movements is also amazing.

And look at the details on her back with the muscles. Also the wrinkles on her... loin cloth(?) are sculpted so organically!

What completes this beauty are the paint applications. Kotobukiya's Bishoujo line is always sharp and on clean with their coloring. They do a fantastic job picking the right colors to replicate the source material, and they add the right tone for the proper texture. The black clothing is offset by metallic gold for the seams and designs, while the red tassel really does look like strings hanging from her belt. The shading on her hair, flesh tones, and her make up really does allow her to look more 'natural' and gives the statue life.

Look at those gorgeous honey brown eyes! Those lips! While I'm practically drooling at this figure, it's also a good time to point out a small gripe I have: the hair doesn't have as much flare on shadowing affect as I would imagine. But seriously, it's not terrible by any means! It's a great looking face with beautiful locks to accompany that face.

And while you can say that it's perversion taking over with the last two pics (honestly, I can't deny that claim), it's also me just admiring the work on the sculpting and the coloring. You guys should admire it too!

Just for comparison, here she is next to my only other Street Fighter Bishoujo: Juri Han. Obviously Juri is also quite sexy but she is nowhere near as alluring as Chun Li with that outfit on.

I missed the first Bishoujo Chun Li and now her price tag is a little too high for my taste. But with this latest Bishoujo Chun Li -Battle Dress- version, I don't think I'm going to miss the older one that much. Sure it's not classic, but to sate my overall admiration for the female sex, it's more than enough. Perversion aside, Chun Li is well sculpted, well posed, well painted, and it's a good change of pace from the Alpha and Classic look. Any Chun Li fan should have this. EVERYONE should have this. All in all, I think I've stated my claim in regards to where I stand with this.
Until Next Time!