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Art Share: "Tied Up Tuesday Marvel Heroines IV"

Writer: OnyxOnyx

Arlen's Crusade: Jubilee

Tied Up Tuesday with a theme! We're going back to explore the world of Marvel DiDs... I mean Heroines! So without further adieu, let's enjoy this Tuesday, shall we?

@ humungosaurioman

Ah! Halle Berry Storm! I honestly didn't mind her as Storm--save for the fact that she didn't embody Ororo Monroe as we knew her from the animated series. Regardless, her getting more DiD time isn't something that I'd be against.

@ omniyeah

Yeah, that scene would've been better if Gwen was the one bound and gagged. Glad Omniyeah gave us a fix, eh?

@ nghiatanker

These FoH are a bunch of perves, aren't they? That's a good catch, mind you. A mix of all kinds! Very inclusive!

@ slumberful_art

Kitty Pryde! She's one of those X-Gals that gets a lot of love and she doesn't have to do much sometimes. Also, those ropes must be inhibitors too! Then again, looks like she's loving it.

@ wardogs101

Very classic DiD moment for any Superheroine. Add the spice of having Felicia's costume partially unzipped is a nice touch for sure.

@ rodrigotfa

Yeah--Spider-Gwen's popularity after Spiderverse went off the charts. For the DiD community, anything is just fine with how to treat this Spider-Gal.

Yep! Another Kitty Pryde~ DiD'ed with Tape or the classic ropes/cloth gag. Amazing.

@ Bondarte1

I know! There's a theme! Spider-Gals or X-Gals. But, come on. Would you complain if Felicia Hardy is all bound up for you?


Alright so let's add a little Fantastic Four love, eh? Here's Sue Storm. The first Mother of Marvel all DiD'ing around.


Rachey Grey. The daughter of Scott and Jean from an alternate reality. At times, I actually adore her more than her mother. Marvel Girl also decided to show a lot of legs so it's only natural she gets a lot of DiD time.

@ serisabibi

As I mentioned, this Tied Up Tuesday is heavy with X-Gals and Spider-Gals which can also include some cinematic versions. Here we have Mary Jane from the original Spider-Man movies. Kirsten Dunst isn't the best for the role but this artwork of her makes her fitting to be Spider-Man's love interest.


Speaking of Jean Grey, here she is in her classic X-Men uniform next to a DC Damsel (a rare one), Saturn Girl. Unique bondage position, that's for sure. Though Saturn Girl got the worst gag compared to Jean. Though Jean's daughter is making it up for her mother.


Surprised that there's not a lot of Avenvers here, eh? Well, here we are with one of the faces of Avengers (as of right now), Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff! All that power couldn't save her from the inevitable ropes, gag, and chair time, eh?


Let's cap it off with another awesome artwork from Wulfman72! Spidey's more prominent gals... even if Jess and Pete aren't exactly couples (also, why are boobies smaller than Gwen's?). Train track distress, all gagged in different ways and some get the crotch rope treatment. I'm all for it! Maybe Spider-Man won't have to choose, eh?

Well, this is a marvelous way to start the week for sure! July is going to be awesome!

Until Next Time!

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A Collector of action figures. A Gamer of various genres. Commissioner of awesome and fetish based fanart from different artists. I'm just another perverted geek expressing his opinions and views.

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