I love Tuesdays--kind of! Well, I can certainly appreciate it when we got Tied Up Tuesday to celebrate! So without further adieu, let's see what this Tuesday brings with the bound and gagged ladies, eh?
Let's start it off strong with a gal who doesn't appreciate being turned into a Damsel. Ivy Valentine is not top on my list but she can be on the list when she's all trussed up like this. Sheesh. Maybe it was 2B who DiD this to her?
Now that's humiliating and taunting. Not like this lovely gal can do anything with those scissors especially when her hands are all tapped up! At least she got a crotch rope, right?
Can we say that Marika will always be a candidate for Tied Up Tuesday as long as they pay homage to her classic pose?
And surprisingly, we don't see a ton of Empowered fan art even though she's just perfect for the DiD community. Maybe because Adam Warren already DiD it best? Right? But hey! More additions are always welcome!
Don't know the story too much other than what's provided by the texts but I'm all for this art. Harris always delivers!
Not 100% too knowledgeable about the character above but I love the magic lasso-looking restraint. Als,o the stuffing poking out of her OTM gag, is a nice touch. That feisty angry eyes too! Perfect damsel!
Lighting does a lot to change the vibe, right? It definitely changes the picture and the ambiance! Grafhou delivers all the time!
Now I can think of a few more things to make this a superior DiD-Pic. But it's Lola in her 90s game looking all distress. I'll take it.
I'm sure Jessica feels like an absolute damsel here; she's got the superpowers and experience but she still gets nabbed. Suffice it to say, this is a damn good mix-up of DiDs!
Now that situation is a bit more on the distressing and humiliating side.... for the damsel! Absolute DiDness from this poor gal. At least they've put a bucket to catch her mess!
Ganyu got a serious debuff going on, huh? She's also missing part of her fancy clothes so I wonder if perve tentacles had something to do with that mess? And that lock on her--poor, poor, Goat-Girl!
Yeah! Sonya Blade in her classic fitter! She ain't too happy though. Oh well. Guess the fighter is going to be testing her might all night with those restraints.
Alright well not much else to talk about other than I hope y'all got an amazing week! Here's to the rest of the week flying by too! To the weekend, I say!
Until Next Time!