Now this is an oldie! Yes, it's an Ame-Comi. A decade-old toy line that allowed us to see what DC gals would look like when the East takes over the designs. Yes, they came out with figurines of them; a whole line-up of them. For this review, let's start with Wonder Woman, shall we?

The aesthetics of the box isn't that bad, all things considered. It's definitely a product of its time. I love the showcase of the figurine through promotional pictures and different angles, and the back of the box has a small description and sneak peek at what figure is coming next after Diana. Nostalgic stuff.

Again, Wonder Woman's design leans on the anime-esque style of things, however, it's not too far off from a variant Wonder Woman outfit. Diana has had a myriad of outfits throughout the years and this wouldn't be too far off from the norm. It is a bit more provocative, that much is obvious with the long loincloth giving enough window of opportunities to gawk. The bodice she wears, while remaining true to the Wonder Woman design, is stylized and has plenty of unique patterns. The boots design has the 'Hermes' wings' look and I love them. Then there are her weapons. As it was common during the 2000s to give Diana a sword, this iteration of her has one and a shield that isn't a common shield for Wonder Woman to hold. All of these things are sculpted with care and thought and despite this figurine being around 10 years old, it's got some good sculpting to color me impressed.

There's not much to say about her pose. Diana's just standing there with her shield arm extended out. She's got this lithe body build that allows such a neutral pose to work. Also, these figurines deserve a good look so a strong and neutral stance works.

The colors picked do the job of representing our favorite Amazon. The red, blue, gold, and white stand out, and her flesh tone is what I would expect. The black hair looks dull, especially without any shadowing or shading, but it looks good enough. The paint job is clean and I can't complain about the execution. This figurine had been inside its case so part of the wear and tear might be from that. All in all, no real major complaints.

While I can say the paint job is pretty good, the visuals show its age when comparing to what can be done now. And it might just be the decision to paint and color with this style, and overall, it isn't bad but there is something about the eyes and the inorganic way the face looks. Very anime and it gets the aesthetic done, and it may be a bit unfair to compare her to a Bishoujo but since it's in the same idea, hard not to put them side by side especially when Bishoujos at this time still had a level of quality that aged (in my opinion) quite well.

The shield's design has some intricacy and I am impressed with how it is painted. There are some texturing done to make the shield a bit more than just a plain surface, and overall, it's sculpted pretty good. Not entirely sure how effective it would be in battle... then again her choice of attire may not be the best for what Diana does.

I love the sword. It's nothing too fancy but it's not plain and boring. The colors are also well done so a win for me.

Her signature lasso is also a piece of thread and a nice touch. She can hold it with her sword-gripping hand, but I prefer my current display. As stated above, her long loincloth doesn't leave much to the imagination if she's fighting about but as a sculpted piece, it's done quite well! I appreciate the work put into it to make it look like a star-spangled cloth.

She had an actual comic book. Not sure if it was any good but the artwork for the cover is amazing. Except where her lasso is kept, it's pretty much a perfect recreation of the figurine.

Here is Ame-Comi Wonder Woman next to her nemesis, Ame-Comi Cheetah. Will talk about Cheetah later but I will say that putting them next to each other is a pleasant sight!

While far from the best-looking Wonder Woman figurine there is, it's still a neat little footnote in Diana Prince's vast lineup of action figures. While it's got some flaws, it's forgivable in some aspects due to it being a decade-plus-old toy. Recommend? I don't think it's a MUST and I'd rather lean on Bishoujo Wonder Woman figurines. This particular piece is going for twice the price range it used to cost so unless one is a diehard Wonder Woman fan and must have every one of her vinyl statues, I'd say it's one of those 'pass' because the moment was missed. Still, a wonderful piece of Diana for those who are willing and able to fork out the cash.
Until Next Time!